Registration includes the following meals: April 27: Continental Breakfast and Lunch April 28: Continental Breakfast and Lunch PAYMENT OPTIONS:
Online registration will provide you with the option to pay by credit card, via PayPal or mail a check. To pay by check please send payment by April 15. If you require a purchase order, select pay by check and contact [email protected] for further information. Checks should be made payable to the Association of State Service Commissions and sent to Association of State Service Commissions; 455 Massachusetts Ave, NW Suite 153; Washington, DC 20001. Please include a copy of your registration confirmation with payment. Failure to submit payment on time may result in your registration being cancelled. To request an invoice please email [email protected]. Download a completed W9 for the Association of State Service Commissions. Thank you to our sponsors:
Event Location
Renaissance Montgomery Hotel & Spa at the Convention Center 201 Tallapoosa Street Montgomery, AL 36104 LODGING AND TRAVEL
Conference attendees are responsible for booking their own lodging and travel to the event. A group rate has been made available at the conference hotel, the Renaissance Montgomery Hotel & Spa. To receive the group rate, reservations must be made by March 24. ACCOMMODATIONS:
If you have an accommodation request or special need (e.g., dietary restrictions, service animal relief area, interpreter, or Braille) for the conference, please indicate so when you register in the space provided. For accommodation requests that are related to your hotel room, please speak with the hotel directly. We will make every reasonable effort to provide effective accommodations for conference participants. Accommodation requests must be made at the time of registration. REFUNDS/CANCELLATIONS Cancellations can be made at anytime. Refunds for registration will be processed up to April 15 with a $10 processing fee. After April 15, you forfeit your registration fee with cancellation. |