America’s Service Commissions (ASC) is pleased to continue to offer in-person events in 2025.
ASC is committed to following the most up-to-date public health guidance. We must set a standard for all in-person attendees that hopefully finds a reasonable approach that works for most, but still may not work for everyone. ASC cannot eliminate all risk, and each person must make their own determination of personal risk based on their unique circumstances.
If you cannot comply with our requirements for in-person events or do not feel safe attending based on these expectations, we understand and hope you can join us for one or more of our many virtual-based learning opportunities throughout 2025.
The following details our expectations for all in-person event attendees in 2025. These requirements will be updated as plans for health and safety protocols change or new information from the CDC or the venue is announced. Please check back for news and additional guidance as ASC continues to refine our planning.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to email us.
Requirements for Entry to In-Person Events
ASC will follow guidelines established by the CDC for communicable diseases regarding recommendations for masking. ASC recommends attendees stay up to date on vaccinations as recommended by the CDC. In addition, ASC will follow any additional requirements as set by the local county where the event is taking place. ASC welcomes attendees that choose to wear a mask to do so.
You should not attend the ASC event if you are experiencing, or have experienced within the five days prior to the event, signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Additionally, you should adhere to the relevant CDC recommendations for other communicable illnesses. You also should not attend the event if you are not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities or the health care team responsible for your treatment.
All attendees will be expected to follow these guidelines. This includes ASC staff, attendees, speakers, and any vendors, exhibitors, or sponsors.
Safety Code of Conduct (In-Person and Virtual)
ASC is committed to providing an inclusive, safe, professional, and welcoming environment for all event attendees including, but not limited to: speakers, presenters, exhibitors, sponsors, ASC staff members, and all others. By registering for and attending ASC events, all participants are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct.
ASC expects all participants to help foster an inviting experience for all attendees. ASC has zero-tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment, and unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated in-person or virtually.
Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:
In response to any incident of unacceptable behavior, ASC reserves the right to take immediate action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from the event without warning or refund. ASC also reserves the right to prohibit attendance, either virtually or in-person, to future ASC events.
If you experience harassment or hear of any incidents of unacceptable behavior, ASC asks that you email us or speak with a staff person at our in-person registration desk so that we may take the appropriate action.
America’s Service Commissions (ASC) is pleased to continue to offer in-person events in 2025.
ASC is committed to following the most up-to-date public health guidance. We must set a standard for all in-person attendees that hopefully finds a reasonable approach that works for most, but still may not work for everyone. ASC cannot eliminate all risk, and each person must make their own determination of personal risk based on their unique circumstances.
If you cannot comply with our requirements for in-person events or do not feel safe attending based on these expectations, we understand and hope you can join us for one or more of our many virtual-based learning opportunities throughout 2025.
The following details our expectations for all in-person event attendees in 2025. These requirements will be updated as plans for health and safety protocols change or new information from the CDC or the venue is announced. Please check back for news and additional guidance as ASC continues to refine our planning.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to email us.
Requirements for Entry to In-Person Events
ASC will follow guidelines established by the CDC for communicable diseases regarding recommendations for masking. ASC recommends attendees stay up to date on vaccinations as recommended by the CDC. In addition, ASC will follow any additional requirements as set by the local county where the event is taking place. ASC welcomes attendees that choose to wear a mask to do so.
You should not attend the ASC event if you are experiencing, or have experienced within the five days prior to the event, signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Additionally, you should adhere to the relevant CDC recommendations for other communicable illnesses. You also should not attend the event if you are not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities or the health care team responsible for your treatment.
All attendees will be expected to follow these guidelines. This includes ASC staff, attendees, speakers, and any vendors, exhibitors, or sponsors.
Safety Code of Conduct (In-Person and Virtual)
ASC is committed to providing an inclusive, safe, professional, and welcoming environment for all event attendees including, but not limited to: speakers, presenters, exhibitors, sponsors, ASC staff members, and all others. By registering for and attending ASC events, all participants are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct.
ASC expects all participants to help foster an inviting experience for all attendees. ASC has zero-tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment, and unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated in-person or virtually.
Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form
- Harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments or images related to sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, education level, or other class protected by law; such comments or images shall not be directed toward any participant (as defined above)
- Disruption of presentations during sessions, in a virtual or in-person space; this extends to public and one-to-one conversations
- Presentations, postings, and messages containing promotional materials, job offers, or solicitation for services, unless pre-approved by ASC; ASC reserves the right to remove such messages and instances of unauthorized solicitations
In response to any incident of unacceptable behavior, ASC reserves the right to take immediate action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from the event without warning or refund. ASC also reserves the right to prohibit attendance, either virtually or in-person, to future ASC events.
If you experience harassment or hear of any incidents of unacceptable behavior, ASC asks that you email us or speak with a staff person at our in-person registration desk so that we may take the appropriate action.